Friday, August 27, 2010

FG美人教室/ Linda - 粉刺大敵!納命來!


● 天然粉刺清除法
Step1. 以毛刷沾取蛋清,刷於粉刺氾濫處! 我們最容易長粉刺的位置莫過於鼻子與下巴, 所以以毛刷沾取蛋清後, 二話不說,馬上撲殺!

● 天然粉刺清除法
Step2. 待蛋清半乾,貼上傳統吸油面紙! 蛋清半乾時,貼上傳統的吸油面紙, 接下來,只要等蛋清全乾,我們就要一網打盡嚕!

● 天然粉刺清除法
Step3. 撕除吸油面紙,由右至左! 待蛋清全乾,我們就將吸油面紙, 由右至左,慢慢地撕下, 這時,我們就可以看見淺層的粉刺附著在吸油面紙上, 被連根拔起了!


美人教室 - 多喝就會瘦的消脂茶

● DIY消脂茶 中廣型 喝窈窕消腹茶 》窈窕消腹茶藥材介紹 決明子 10g:有清熱退火、潤腸通便的作用 山楂 6g :有降血脂、去油解膩的作用 陳皮 6g :可刺激消化液分泌,助健胃整腸 將所有藥材用過濾袋裝好,放進茶壺中, 第一泡,先用少量的水沖洗藥材,倒出; 第二泡,用600c.c.的溫水,悶泡10~15分鐘即可, 藥材可重覆加水回沖,直到沒有味道為止喔!

● DIY消脂茶 西洋梨型 喝消腫美臀飲 》消腫美臀飲藥材介紹 茯苓 10g:有健脾、去濕、消腫等作用 黨參 10g:具補氣、升提的作用 粉紅玫瑰 3g:有紓肝理氣、活血化淤、促進代謝等作用 小叮嚀:準備懷孕或孕婦不適合飲用喔!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Japan Food - Chawanmushi (Japanese Egg Custard Dish with Ginkgo Seeds)

= Chawanmushi with Ginkgo =

Ingredients for Chawanmushi
(serves 2)

- Egg Mixture -
1 Large Egg
170ml Water (0.719 u.s. cup)
1/2 tsp Granulated Bonito Dashi
1/2 tsp Sake
1/2 tsp Usukuchi Soy Sauce (saltier and lighter in color than koikuchi)
1/4 tsp Salt

- Fillings -
50g Chicken Meat (1.76oz)
2 Shrimps
2 Shiitake Mushrooms
4 slices of Kamaboko - fish minced and steamed
4 Ginnan - Ginkgo Seeds
Mitsuba - Japanese Wild Parsley
Sake & Usukuchi Soy Sauce for Seasoning

* A lid wrapped with kitchen towel prevents water drops from falling into the cups.

Korean Dessert - Traditional Korean rice cake (gyung dan)

Korean Food - Bibimbap

Bibim = Mixing
Bap = Rice

Bibimbap is a popular korean dish. It's mixed rice with many kinds of vegetables and a little meat. It's very healthy food that a lot of people like.

Recipe - Easy fish tortilla with tandori spices

Sleepsong - Secret Garden

Cake - Banana Cake Bread

Cake - Pound Cake Plain

Monday, August 9, 2010

Uncle Kracker - Smile

Did you SMILE today ?? :) :)

Bread - Moist Banana Bread

Moist Banana Bread


Four large ripe bananas (or six small)
2 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup butter
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/2 tsp salt
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
4 tablespoons sour cream

Mix dry ingredients together and sift. In a mixing bowl, cream softened butter with the sugar and salt. Mix in eggs, vanilla and sour cream. Mix until just blended.

Add flour mix to the batter. When making banana bread, use ripe soft bananas. Mash into bowl and add into mixture.

Spray a Bundt pan with cooking spray or grease with fresh butter. Pour batter into pan. Bake in preheated 350 F for 1 hour. If a toothpick comes out clean, its done.

Sour cream is the secret ingredient to this banana breads moist texture.

Pastry - English Muffins recipe

Dessert - Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream


3/4 cup sugar
1 cup cream
2 1/4 cup milk
2 tsp pure vanilla extract

Dessert : Strawberry Ice Cream with Vanilla Beans

Pastry - Chocolate Brownies



250g Chocolate Pieces (I used Semi-Sweet Dark Choc)
250g Unsalted Butter
1 Cup Brown Sugar
1 Teaspoon Vanilla Essence
3 Eggs
3/4 Cup Plain (All Purpose) Flour
1/4 Cup Self Raising Flour

Preperation Time: 15 minutes + 60 minutes chilling time (after baking)
Cooking Time: 40 minutes
